Wendy Mode DK Knitting Pattern 5342 Sweater and Cardigan
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Wendy Mode DK Knitting Pattern 5342 Sweater and Cardigan

Wendy Mode DK knitting pattern 5342 or a ladies round neck cardigan and mens v neck sweater with cabled welts. Sizes: 24/26" up to 44/46" (74 to 132cm). Front of pattern is illustrated in wool shade numbers 207 Croissant and 205 Iris. Pattern requires knitting needles sizes 3.25mm and 4mm, stitch holders and cable needle. We stock Wendy Mode Merino Chunky wool and Wendy Mode Collection Book 2. As with all of our patterns, this item is not returnable. Approximate yarn requirement (dependent upon individual knitters tension and sizing):
V Neck Sweater between 5 and 11 x 50g balls
Round Neck Cardigan between 5 and 11 x 50g balls